What is the Offer Basket?

The offer basket is a unique feature in the wholesale, with which you can put together a list of articles of our online services. Enter your desired quantity for each item and send us the list. We then create a custom quote.

How does the offer basket work?

Pay attention to this panel below the photos on the product pages:

In the text box, enter the desired quantity. Then click on "Add to basket ". The desired quantity is added to the shopping basket. You can change the quantity at any time.

To access the overview of the offer basket:

Hover your mouse over the field at the bottom of the offer basket panel. This will open the summary of the offer basket.

In the second column, you can change the desired quantity for each article. If "0" is entered the article will be removed from the basket. Then click on "Recalculate" to apply the changes.

The "Get a quote" button takes you to our contact form via which you can submit your basket. The "Bin" removes all items in the offer basket.

Contact us by phone or via the website. We are happy to help.